Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to search me up and check out my website. By now, you already know my name, so I'd like to share a bit more about myself.
I am an NYC based actor (pronouns she/her), but I'm originally from both Pennsylvania and Delaware. I divided my time between both states and now can't choose just one; I love pretzels and Punkin' Chunkin' both equally (if you know, you know).
Before I decided to pursue acting as a career, I went to school intending to become a therapist. While that's not my path any longer, I actually find the study of people to be quite similar in acting and therapy. Both are searching a person, non-judgmentally, to help them sort out and piece together the story they need to tell. That's what I strive to do with my acting, through the characters that I meet and create.
You might have noticed my tagline, "Whimsical Elegance on stage and film." I coined that phrase a couple of summers ago when I was trying to furnish an apartment I was moving into. I'd never taken the time to create a space that felt like "me" before, and as I spent time reading articles and essays about interior design styles, I realized that I wanted something that merged traditional with bold and eclectic. "I like elegance, but also sort of bright and fun...whimsical-ish! Whimsical elegance!" As I pieced my space together, I realized the phrase seemed to describe me as a person, too. I love Shakespeare and Spongebob; sci-fi and sonnets; psychology and puppetry. I bring strength to ingenues, and depth to characters that might seem one dimensional. And, by some stroke of luck, I happened to remember that catch phrase when "Classically Trained NY-based Actor" seemed maaaad dull under my name.
That's all for now! In summation, here is a list--incomplete and in no particular order--of things that I love: Cats, the animal, Cats, the musical, puzzles, queer folx, black people, people in general, laughing a lot, writing, candy, vegan faux-meat products, roller coasters, rapping, and talking about hair.